Workforce Development

“Our purpose is to provide updated workforce information, analysis and capacity development opportunities for Public Servants.” – refer to Results Map in PSC Corporate Plan 2022/23
The Workforce Development team’s functions are rooted in the Workforce Development Framework. The implementation strategies approved through the workforce framework includes annual training needs analysis and planning; leadership and talent development including coordination of scholarships in short term professional in-service training, external training and long term studies through prioritised areas; updating workforce statistics for better analysis and benchmarking; tracer impact study and career planning and development.
This program is administered by the Deputy Secretary for Oversight with the support of a Principal Assistant Secretary, Senior Assistant Secretary and an Assistant Secretary.
For general enquiries relating to capacity building opportunities or workforce statistics, please send an email to or call 74-00310.

Our HR Professionals

Deputy Secretary Franz Tuúhetoka, Head of HRM with the former Head of HRM, the late Ms. Charlotte M. Vuki

PSC Long Service Recognition Awards

Former Prime Minister – Dr. Pohiva Tuíónetoa & the late Dr. Leiukamea Saafi

PSC Long Service Recognition Awards

Sister Fusi Kaho with the brightest smile

PSC Long Service Recognition Aawards

Former Deputy CEO for the Ministry of Fisheries – Mr. Vilimo Fakalolo